Accepting Applications For Assembly New Career Position You Are Applying For(Required)Desired Salary(Required)Date Available For Work(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Name(Required) First Last Middle Name(Required)Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Home Phone(Required)Cell Phone(Required)Work PhoneEmail(Required) Education(Required)School NameLocationYears AttendedDegree ReceivedMajor Add RemoveClick + to the right to add rowsOther Training , Certificates Or License Held(Required)Employment(Required)Name & Address Of EmployerEmployed Start Month YearEmployed End Month YearPosition Last HeldRate Of PaySupervisor Title / NameReason For Leaving Add RemoveClick + to the right to add rowsMilitary Experience: Have you served in the United States Military?(Required) Yes No If So BranchMilitary Service SchoolsReferences (4)(Required)NameRelationship (Ex: Supervisor, Co-worker )Phone NumberOccupationYears Known Add RemoveClick + to the right to add rowsHow Did You Find Out About This Job(Required) Walk-In Employee Referral Internet Newspaper Ad State EDD Agency Private Agency Other If employed, can you verify legal right to work in the United States(Required) Yes No If Position Requires Operation Of A Vehicle, Do You Have A Valid License?(Required) Yes No If Yes,(Required)State Of IssueLicense #Expiration Date (1)....I certify that I have not misrepresented myself in any manner. I further certify that this Application has been completed by me personally and all information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree that any mission or misrepresentation is grounds for rejection of my application and for my immediate termination in the event of employment. I acknowledge that this Application and the selection process do not in themselves create an employment contract between me and the company. ....(2)....I authorize the company to investigate my suitability for employment as it deems necessary through medical, education, employers or other sources. In addition, I agree to execute documents the company deems necessary to such investigation including medical and drug screening and hereby release the company and other involved entities or persons from any claims or liabilities arising out of such investigation procedures. ....(3)....Should I be employed, I agree to comply with and abide by all the terms and conditions of employment that the company has established and that it may amend, add to, or delete from time to time. Additionally, I agree that if employed, my employment is for no definite period and may be terminated at any time and at will by me or the company, and that any representations contrary to the foregoing are not binding on me or the company unless made in writing and signed by me and an officer of the company ....(4).... A criminal history check will be conducted if you are found to meet the minimum employment qualifications for the position you are applying for. A conviction will not automatically disqualify you from consideration. We will consider the nature of the offence in relation to the job for which you are applying. We will also consider your record since the offence was committed. ....(5)....(Required) I Agree To Content Above By Submitting This Form.(Required) I Agree